Changing An RV Tire

Whether the wheel is shaky, flat, or totally blown out, changing it is a time-sensitive operation. RVs, which tend to be larger than most vehicles, are especially unsafe with a bad tire. We here at Meyer’s RV & Marine want to keep you and those around you safe and sound, so we’ve put together a guide on replacing an RV tire. If you want to know more, or you’d like to browse our inventory of RVs for sale, contact one of our many stores in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, West Virginia, and Maryland.


Tires can require replacing for a number of reasons, from deep (2/32” or deeper) cracks due to too much sunlight, tread depth of less than 6/32”, or just a puncture. Ideally, you learn about the damage early enough to get your RV to a mechanic, but the world isn’t always ideal. If you have to do it yourself, pull to a safe, flat area with plenty of room to work with.

Make sure the emergency brake is on before you start the operation, and if possible, put wheel chocks beneath whichever two tires will still be on the ground to be extra safe. Never put your body beneath your RV, even if it’s safely off the ground and there’s enough clearance.


You’ll need a few items to properly replace your RV tire, including:

  • 2 RV jacks or 1 RV leveler
  • A spare tire
  • A wrench

Make sure these items are in your RV at all times so you’re ready for an emergency when it happens.

Changing Process

Your first step, before even raising the RV, is loosening the lug nuts on the target tire. This will be harder once the wheel is off the ground. If you’re using a leveler, it likely came with instructions specific to your model. Most likely, that will mean driving your good tire onto the leveler, which will then lift the RV high enough to replace the bad one.

For 2 RV jacks, place one behind the back wheel and the other in front of the front wheel. Place them under the frame to avoid damage and jack each until they barely touch the vehicle. Then alternate between the two, pumping each three times before moving to the other, to keep the RV level. Continue until it’s high enough that the tires spin freely and no higher.

Use the wrench to remove the lug nuts entirely in a star-shaped pattern to distribute the weight evenly (remove one, then one across from the first one, then another across from the second, so on) and set them safely aside. Replace the tire and the lug nuts, tightening them as much as possible.

Lower the RV in the same way as you raised it and give your lug nuts one last tightening. Clean your tools, take your flat away, and stop by a service department as soon as possible.

If you’re not sure where to find a good mechanic, look no further than Meyer’s RV & Marine! Our maintenance team is ready and waiting to get you and your RV back on the road. We proudly serve the people of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, West Virginia, and Maryland—let us serve you today!

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