Packing for Your First RV Trip

It can be tough knowing how to approach packing for your first RV trip. Use the following tips to help know what to pack and how to make the process even easier for your future vacations.

Pack the Essentials

Packing will require understanding the kinds of basic necessities you’ll need for RV camping while also making sure you don’t overdo it. The trick is to start by packing only the essentials.

Keep track of the kind of supplies you use on a daily basis. Odds are, you’ll need to bring that supplies with you. This will probably include dishware, cooking supplies, linens, and any cleaning supplies you may need for the length of time you’ll be gone.

Pack the Non-Essentials

Once you have everything you need, you can start to think about things you want, luxury items. Keep in mind though, that there are limits to how much weight your RV and your tow vehicle (if you have one) can handle. Overloading your vehicles is not only dangerous, but it’s illegal. Once you’ve packed everything you need and want, stop by a weigh station on your way out of town and make sure you haven’t exceeded any weight restrictions.

Build a Packing List

Many RV owners have their own way of keeping track of important packing. Whether you use your phone, a spreadsheet, or a journal, consider finding some way to organize your thoughts and a way to jot down any new ideas you might have.

While you are packing for your first trip, write down the items you are bringing along. This will make it much easier that second time around when you are preparing for your next RV vacation. You can even do an inventory of your list once you get home from your first RV trip. What items did you pack, but didn’t end up needing? What items did you wish you had–or had to go buy from a local store? It may seem a little tedious, but going through this process can make packing for your future RV trips much easier.

For more information or to explore RVs for sale, visit Meyer’s RV & Marine. We are an RV dealership located in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, West Virginia, and Maryland.

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